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Sunrise : 07:44
Sunset  : 18:28

Blue Lagoon Abereiddy

Book Cover "The Beaches of Wales" is a comprehensive guide to every beach and cove around the entire coast of Wales. Listing almost 500 beaches, this is an essential guide for visitors, watersports enthusiasts, walkers and anglers. For more information or to order, please click below - See Inside Order Now
Blue Lagoon Abereiddy

Just north of the Abereiddy beach in Pembrokeshire, a good wide path leads to a flooded slate quarry known as the Blue Lagoon. A short channel cut from the rock connects it to the sea and it's a popular spot for jumping. There are platforms at heights of about 4 and 8 metres. Signs warn that the water is cold and 100 feet deep. Car parking is just behind Abereiddy Beach.

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