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This is an unofficial guide to the beaches and attractions of Wales and nearby counties. No beach can be considered to be completely safe and getting to some beaches can be hazardous in itself. The use of information on this site is entirely at your own risk.
The content of this website is intended for guidance only and does not constitute legal or other professional advice on any subject matter. Whilst I believe all the information on this site to be accurate, no reliance may be placed for any purpose whatsoever on the information contained herein or on its plenitude. No representation or warranty, express or implied, is given as to the accuracy of the information or opinions contained in this website and no liability is accepted for any such information or opinion. By making use of the information contained in this site the reader assumes all risk that certain information may prove to be incorrect or inappropriate. No guarantee is made towards validity or accuracy. This includes all information supplied by any third party, which appears on this site.
Links to other websites are offered in good faith, but no responsibility will be accepted for the content of external internet sites, the display of incorrect information or for any adverse incidents which may arise after linking to those sites. So there!

All images and text content on the beach pages of this site are my own, and may not be used elsewhere without my permission. I have gone to considerable lengths to research, visit and photograph these beaches but unfortunately there are many sites out there (which I call para-sites) who are too lazy to do the same and simply copy material without permission. Fortunately most of these have since removed the offending material, but regrettably I have now had to mark some of the photographs on this site to prevent unauthorised copying. However, I am usually willing to allow free use of my images for purposes other than another internet guide - please contact me.
I try to visit as many of these beaches as possible every year, but I can't get around them all and I really would appreciate being told of any inaccurate information or other useful facts which I may have missed.
Contact / Questions / Advice
If you have any questions or need general advice I am usually pleased to help, but PLEASE don't ask questions which are better directed to the local council. Use the Contact form. Thank you.