Information & Guides - UK
Outdoor Gear - Every month, over 12,000 readers trust James and Jake to provide real outdoor gear reviews and hiking routes suitable for all abilities. Check them out.
Hiking Guide - The ultimate guide to hiking and walking in the UK | Premier Inn
Top Holiday Spots Across England. Some of the best places to visit in England are hidden less well known spots. We asked UK travel experts for insights and they didnt let us down. Learn More.
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Information Britain - The oldest, biggest and best resource for All Things British - The premier British Tourism directory - thousands of things to do and places to stay.
An Unofficial Guide to Cornwall Beaches - One of the best guides to the beaches of Cornwall
An Unofficial Guide to Devon Beaches - One of the best guides to the beaches of Devon
Bed and Breakfast Nationwide - UK inspected quality accommodation in B&B homes, farms and guesthouses in Britain and Ireland. Online reservation service available.
Sports & Outdoor Activities
Kayak-King: Sea Kayak tours in Pembrokeshire, West Wales.
Kayaking tours in Pembrokeshire - Join us! For a fun family day out kayaking in Pembrokeshire - Great fun for every age and level of fitness.
South Wales Surf Lessons - South Wales Surf Lessons is a surf school operating on Llangennith Beach in the Gower Peninsula. We offer smaller group lessons to create a more personal teaching environment.
Outdoor Matters - Outdoor Matters provides Climbing and Mountaineering instruction as well as Adventure Days on Gower, in the Brecon Beacons and across South Wales.
Haven Boat Charters - Fishing trips in Pembrokeshire, West Wales. Provider of Quality boat angling trips for Novice and experienced anglers - Shark, Reef, Wreck and General.
Dragon Activity Guides - A multi adventure activity provider in Pembrokeshire offering Coasteering, Kayaking, Surfing and Climbing.
UK Windsurfing, Surfing, Kitesurfing, Bodyboarding and Coastal Sports - UK Windsurfing, kite-surfing, surfing and other extreme or coastal sports.
Board Games Surfing in Pembrokeshire Wales
Staycations Uk - From breathtaking scenery on the Cornwall coast to quaint villages in one of the UK’s many national parks, the perfect staycation is waiting for you.
Dog Friendly Cottages in Wales - Known for its landscape and hospitality, this nation is perfect for four-legged friends. Its incredible countryside is filled with great walking routes. And its reputation for friendly faces means your pooch will be welcomed as warmly as you are.
Sykes Holiday Cottages - Large collection of self-catering cottages across Wales. Choose from large countryside cottages to stylish seaside apartments and everything in between. Your perfect place awaits.
Hot Tub Hideaways - Hot Tub Hideaways provide an extensive range of luxury lodges and cabins all over Wales, each with their very own private hot tub!
Accommodation - North Wales
Punt Gwynedd - Punt Gwynedd offers self catering holiday accommodation five to six people on a working farm near Abersoch.
Abersoch Camping - Bryn Bach Caravan & Camping Site in Abersoch - stunning views across Abersoch bay towards Snowdonia mountain range.
Abersoch Self Catering - Self catering holiday homes Abersoch, North Wales, Chalets and cottages in Abersoch to rent - Exclusive Accommodation In Abersoch and surrounding area.
Accommodation - Mid Wales
Wales Holiday Cottages - Listed Heritage presents Wales Holiday Cottages on 104 acres of private Estate.
Cool Coastal Lets - A superb selection of holiday cottages in Cardigan Bay, West Wales including New Quay, Aberaeron, Tresaith, Llangrannog and more.
Accommodation - Pembrokeshire
Ty Boia B&B, St Davids, Pembrokeshire - Steve and Orla would like to welcome you to Ty Boia B&B, a brand new high quality Bed & Breakfast in St. Davids, nestled in the beautiful Pembrokeshire Coast National Park.
Clam Cottage in Amroth, Pembrokeshire - A self catering cottage situated 500 yards on a hill from the sandy beach in Amroth.
St Brides Cottage overlooking Saundersfoot Bay - St Brides Cottage is a self catering cottage overlooking the scenic Saundersfoot Harbour in Pembrokeshire.
Camping & Caravan Sites
Kingsbridge Caravan Park
Kingsbridge Caravan & Camping Park, near Beaumaris, Anglesey - A Four Star holiday park steeped in nature on the stunning Isle of Anglesey.
Whitesands Camping - Situated on the most Westerly tip of South Wales, right next to Whitesands Beach, looking out to the Atlantic beyond - you can't get much further away from the hustle and bustle of modern life than this!
Camp Sites near the Beach in Wales - Find your perfect near beach campsite in Wales.
Guides - Wales
Wales Holiday Cottages - Over 300 Quality Coastal and Countryside Holiday Cottages in Wales.