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Sunrise : 07:43
Sunset  : 18:27

Picton Point

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Picton Point

Picton Point is at the confluence of the eastern and western Cleddau rivers. A lane leads from The Rhos to a parking area for about 10 cars, pleasantly situated under trees overlooking the eastern Cleddau at Grid Ref: SN010121. The lane continues to a slipway onto the shore. Picton Point is approximately ½ mile to the west. Good, slightly stony paths can be followed along the shore in both directions from the car park.

This is a good place for an evening stroll, bird-watching, photography or some leisurely kayaking. There are lots of small alcoves in the banks along the way and it seems a popular place for barbecues and camping, although there may be by-laws against this.

Near Picton Point
Near Picton Point
The car parking area
The car parking area
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